Kurdish Scholar
Kurdish Scholar
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Bibliography of Kurdish Studies
The Political Ecology of Violence: Peasants and Pastoralists in the Last Ottoman Century
Syrian-Kurdish Intersections in the Ottoman Period
Landscapes of Resistance: Narratives around Sacred Places in Sinjar (Iraq) and the Islamic State’s Genocide against Yezidis
Endurance: Speaking Kurdish in a Warped World
Proxy Warfare on the Cheap: The Partnership between the USA and the Syrian Kurds
Shamaran: The Neolithic Eternal Mother, Love and the Kurds
States of Dispossession: Violence and Precarious Coexistence in Southeast Turkey
Records of the Kurds : Territory, Revolt and Nationalism, 1831-1979. British Documentary Sources. Volume 13. Maps
Records of the Kurds : Territory, Revolt and Nationalism, 1831-1979. British Documentary Sources. Volume 12. 1966-1979
Records of the Kurds : Territory, Revolt and Nationalism, 1831-1979. British Documentary Sources. Volume 11. 1951-1965
Negotiating What It Means to be “free”: Gender Equality and Governance in North and East Syria
Oil or State? The Role of the Oil in the Recognition of Kurdish Statehood in Iraqi Kurdistan
The Netherlands and the prosecution and trial of Islamic State suspects in Rojava/The Autonomous Administration in North and East Syria
From Nazism to Pro-Kurdish Activism: The International Society Kurdistan, Silvio van Rooy and the struggle against communism in the 1960s and 1970s
The Political, Cultural, and Military Re-Awakening of the Kurdish Nationalist Movement in Iran
Kurdish Insurgency in Rojhelat: from Rasan to the Oslo Negotiations
Knowledge, Ideology and Power: Deconstructing Kurdish Studies
Research Methodology in Kurdish Studies
Subjects in Contested Spaces: The Securitization of the Kurdish Language in Syria
Persian Orientalism: Raciolinguistic Ideologies and the Construction of ‘Iranianness’
Book Chapters
Troubled Terrain: Lines of Allegiance and Political Belonging in Northern Kurdistan
Tracing Global History through the Kurds in the Imperial and National Archives and Beyond
Online-Offline Research on Diasporic Identities: Methodological Benefits, Challenges, and Critical Insights
Living Structures: Methodological Considerations on People and Place
Critical Ethnography: Emancipatory Knowledge and Alternative Dialogues
Antolojiya Dengbêjan 4: Dengbêj Mehmûdê Hesê (Anthology of Dengbejs 4: Dengbej Mahmude Hese)
Antolojiya Dengbêjan 3: Dengbêj Huseyno (Anthology of Dengbejs 3: Dengbej Huseyno)
Antolojiya Dengbêjan 2: Dengbêj Şakiro (Anthology of Dengbejs 2: Dengbej Sakiro)
Antolojiya Dengbêjan 1: Dengbêj Reso (Anthology of Dengbejs 1: Dengbej Reso)
Seta Arjen Arî – Hemû Berhem ( Arjen Ari Collection – All Poems)
112 Hesp û Xezelek (112 Horses and a Gazelle)
Perîşanname: Mela Perîşanê Dînewerî
Edebîyata Kurdî ya Sovyetê (Soviet Kurdish Literature)
Women’s Voices from Kurdistan: A Selection of Kurdish Poetry
The Last Pomegranate Tree
Trajectories of Belonging: Literacies and Intersectionality in the Mobile Phone and Home Building Practices of Syrian Refugees in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Whose Kurdistan? Class Politics and Kurdish Nationalism in the Middle East, 1918-2018
The Turkish State’s Discourse Towards the Kurds’ Language Rights (2003-2015) : Recognition or Containment?
Nation, Bordering and Identity on the Border between Turkey and Iraq
The Battle Over Kird/Zaza Identity Construction In Çewlig/Bingol (1980-2015)
Kurtce (Kurmanci) Masallarin Anlati Tipolojisi (Narrative Typology Of Kurdish (Kurmanji) Tales)
The Post-2003 Development of Kurdish Nationalism in Iraq: A Critical Realist Perspective
International Law : Kurdistan, Kurds and Self-determination
Governing Iraqi Kurdistan: Self-rule, Political Order and the International