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Appendix: Interview
Group interviews conducted in Çewlig/Bingöl. August 2012 and August 2013.
Interview conducnted with Niyazi Azak, the former chair of Peoples Democracy Party
(HADEP) in Çewlig/Bingöl. August 2011.
Interview conducted with a group of Sunni Muslim Zazas in Çewlig/ Bingöl. August
Interview conducted with a group Republican People’s Party CHP youth branch in
Çewlig / Bingöl. August 2011.
Interview conducted with A. Bilmez, a teacher at Solhan primary school in
Çewlig/Bingöl. August 2014.
Interview conducted with Ahmet Dag in Çewlig/Bingöl. August 2011.
Interview conducted with an Imam of a mosque in Solhan, a town of Çewlig/Bingöl.
August 2012.
Interview conducted with Ayla Akat Ata who was the BDP MP for Batman. August 2012.
Interview conducted with Baba Isaqij in Solhan/ Bingol. August 2012.
Interview conducted with Cihan Encu, in Çewlig/Bingöl. August 2012.
Interview conducted with elderly local H. Mihemed in Çewlig/Bingöl. August 2012.
Interview conducted with Ercan Cagdas in Çewlig/Bingöl. August 2013.
Interview conducted with H. Ahmed Çelikel in Çewlig/Bingöl. May 2013.
Interview conducted with Hanifi Konar in Çewlig/Bingöl. August 2013
Interview conducted with Hasip Kaplan. He was elected as the BDP Parliamentary
group deputy chairman following the 12th July 2011 general elections in Turkey. August 2011.
Interview conducted with Idris Baluken during the field trip, when was elected as
Çewlig / Bingöl’s first MP for city’s first pro-Kurdish party member in history of general elections. August 2011.
Interview conducted with lawyer Cevat Ishak in Çewlig/Bingöl. June 2011.
Interview conducted with Mahmud Baz in Solhan in Bingol. August 2012.
Interview conducted with Mehmet S. Yanilmaz, ex-chair Human Rights Association
(IHD) of Bingöl branch. August 2012.
Interview conducted with Nevzat Çaglayan, in Çewlig/Bingöl. August 2013.
Interview conducted with Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) co-chair of
Çewlig/Bingöl, Halis Yurtsever, an Alevi Kurmanj. August 2012.
Interview conducted with Sait Ölmez in Çewlig/Bingöl. August 2013
Interview conducted with Serdest Kar, a sociologist and writer from Bingöl. August 2012.
Interview conducted with Siyabend Welat who was the head of Cultural Activities on behalf of Diyarbakir Municipality then. August 2013.
Interview conducted with the co-chair of the Çewlig/Bingöl region for the pro-Kurdish movement the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), Halis Yurtsever, who is an Alevi, Kurmanj Kurd. August 2012.
Interview conducted with Wisif Zozani in Çewlig/Bingöl. August 2011.
Interview with a member of a family that took an active role in Sheik Said revolt. His grandfather Sheik Abdullah was the regional leader/ commander in the revolt, and was executed along Sheikh Said in June 1926. In Çewlig/ Bingöl. August 2013.
Interviewed elderly villager during my filed trip in Çewlig/Bingöl. August 2012.
Outcomes of a group interview during the field work conducted in Çewlig/Bingöl. June 2011.
Interview conducted with Aysel Korkmaz during field trip in Genç, town of Çewlig/ Bingöl. Summer 2012. Sweden
Interview conducted with Mehmed Malmîsanij (the main figure of VATE and a respected figure in the field Zazakî language productions) in Sweden. October 2011.
Interview conducted with Mehmed Selim Uzun in Sweden. October 2011.
Interview conducted with Cemil Gundogan in Sweden. October 2011. Germany
Interview conducted with Burhan Badan in Hamburg on my field trip to Germany. March 2014.
Interview conducted with Kadir Armanc in Germany. May 2015.