This set of documents traces early insurgencies of the Kurdish people directed against regional and metropolitan powers, their inter-relations with neighbouring tribes and other ethnic groups, while also depicting the extent of territories pertaining to the Kurdish homeland. The period witnessed the origins of Kurdish nationalist sentiments through a series...
This set of documents traces early insurgencies of the Kurdish people directed against regional and metropolitan powers, their inter-relations with neighbouring tribes and other ethnic groups, while also depicting the extent of territories pertaining to the Kurdish homeland. The period witnessed the origins of Kurdish nationalist sentiments through a series...
The Everyday Violence of Forced Displacement: Memory, Community and Identity Politics among Internally Displaced Kurds in Turkey is based on ethnographic research in four Istanbul neighborhoods in the early 2000s and after. Miriam Geerse focuses on individuals and families that tried to sustain meaningful lives in an urban context marked by...
Kürtler açısından oldukça yıkıcı sonuçlar doğuran birinci dünya savaşının hemen akabinde, İstanbul’da bir grup Kürt kadını milli bir şuur etrafında bir araya gelerek bir cemiyet kurmaları tarihi bir vakıa olmanın yanında önemli bir sembolik değer taşımaktadır. Üzerinden yüz yıl gibi uzun bir zaman geçmiş olan bu anlamlı hareketin ilk kez...
The Mother, the Politician, and the Guerrilla intervenes in discussions on decolonialism and feminism by introducing the example of the Kurdish Women’s Freedom Movement. Üstündağ shows how the practices and the concepts of the movement contribute to debates on how the past, present, and future can be critically rethought in revolutionary...
Studies the making and unmaking of the Ottoman Empire’s Kurdish nobility Challenges a long-standing spatial-geographical bias in Ottoman-Middle East history by bringing Kurdish and Armenian histories back into the Ottoman imperial framework Presents the first study to use the framework of hereditary nobility to examine Kurdish elite formation and its...