This book illuminates on the US strategy of proxy warfare in modern times with the Syrian Civil War as a case study. Spyridon Plakoudas and Wojtek Michnik fuse modern history with international relations and strategic studies in order to offer an up-to-date and critical analysis of this unique partnership between
The Everyday Violence of Forced Displacement: Memory, Community and Identity Politics among Internally Displaced Kurds in Turkey is based on ethnographic research in four Istanbul neighborhoods in the early 2000s and after. Miriam Geerse focuses on individuals and families that tried to sustain meaningful lives in an urban context marked by
Eger em bi zanistî li çîrok, helbest, stran, metelok, roman û li nivîsên din binêrin, em dikarin pir agahiyan li ser mejûyê kolektîf yê civaka Kurd fêr bibin. Dengbêjî jî perçeyekî girîng e di edebiyata Kurdî ya herî kevn de. Ev stran me dibin li gel bapîrên me û bûyerên herî
In this article, I discuss the radical gender equality reforms in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), also known as Rojava, and how they have affected women’s lives since the implementation of the Women’s Law in 2014. Based on 40 in-depth interviews, eight group interviews, and participant
The Mother, the Politician, and the Guerrilla intervenes in discussions on decolonialism and feminism by introducing the example of the Kurdish Women’s Freedom Movement. Üstündağ shows how the practices and the concepts of the movement contribute to debates on how the past, present, and future can be critically rethought in revolutionary
Oil reserves hold importance not just in the realm of economic profit, but also wield significant influence in political matters throughout contemporary history (Yergin, 2011). There are numerous connections between domestic oil production and international policy actions (Ashford, 2022). In fragile states, entities resembling state organizations can participate in local
After the military defeat of the Islamic State (IS) in Syria and Iraq, the challenge of dealing with foreign IS fighters emerged, with many of them being held in detention facilities under the jurisdiction of the Autonomous Administration in North and East Syria. Yet, indecisiveness and unwillingness of the anti-IS
Kurdish studies was born as a field of study in imperial Russia, and for much of the twentieth century, the Soviet Union remained the centre of ‘Kurdology’. With the foundation of the International Society Kurdistan (ISK) in Amsterdam in 1960, however, this centre started to move westwards. Officially established as
vejiyam, min şairekî bêwar hilbijart wek deng û siwarî min her şev hevalhespên xwe şandin xewna wî ku bêjin em ne neynika însên in û ti şehîn careka din dubare nabe ku îro hemû hesp girtî bin, naxwe me daye cizayê sûcekî wekhev in kevir û qral li ber rojê,
Perîşanname, xaseten li Rojhilat û Bakurê Kurdistanê bûye mijara gelek lêkolînên edebî û mensûbiyeta ‘tevgera hûrûfiyye’ ya muellifê wê Mela Perîşanê Dînewerî jî tê de, gelek îddiayên mezin li ser vê berhema balkêş hatine nivîsîn. Pisporên edebiyata kurdî li ser cureya metnê û nasnameya muellifê wê, fikrên dûrî hev pêşkêş