Kurdish Scholar

Kurdish Scholar

Bibliography Language: Kurdish Zazaki

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Abstract / Review

Kürtler açısından oldukça yıkıcı sonuçlar doğuran birinci dünya savaşının hemen akabinde, İstanbul’da bir grup Kürt kadını milli bir şuur etrafında bir araya gelerek bir cemiyet kurmaları tarihi bir vakıa olmanın yanında önemli bir sembolik değer taşımaktadır. Üzerinden yüz yıl gibi uzun bir zaman geçmiş olan bu anlamlı hareketin ilk kez

Abstract / Review

Editorial In 2022, Kurdish Studies will enter its tenth year of existence. During this first decade, our field has continually evolved and diversified and, as we face new challenges and invest in original approaches, it has also become possible to start addressing a few ‘blind spots’ and neglected topics of

Abstract / Review

This special issue of KurdishStudiesfocuses on the 20th-century mass violence that took place in Kurdistan, of which the Kurds were often victims and at times also perpetrators. The issue brings together a series of articles engaging with the historical backgrounds, causes, courses, and consequences  of  those  episodes  of  violence,  andaims 

Abstract / Review

As this journal enters its tenth year, some major changes are taking place in the editorial team. Welat Zeydanlıoğlu, who had first founded the Kurdish Studies Network and moderated its helpful mailing list and then took the initiative to establish this journal in collaboration with our publisher Ibrahim Sirkeci, hasannounced