Kurdish Scholar

Kurdish Scholar

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Content Type: Articles
Abstract / Description

Oil reserves hold importance not just in the realm of economic profit, but also wield significant influence in political matters throughout contemporary history (Yergin, 2011). There are numerous connections between domestic oil production and international policy actions (Ashford, 2022). In fragile states, entities resembling state organizations can participate in local

Content Type: Theses
Abstract / Description

This research explores the extent of the shift in the Turkish state’s discourse towards the Kurds’ language rights and the sources of resistance to their recognition under the successive AKP governments between 2003 and 2015. Examining this issue, I explore 1) the true nature of the Kurds’ language-related rights in

Content Type: Theses
Abstract / Description

This thesis explores the impact of the border between Turkey and Iraq on Kurdish identity. Since the demarcation of the border in 1926, both Turkey and Iraq have struggled to accommodate their Kurdish citizens into their common national communities. There have been numerous bloody conflicts on both sides. As of

Content Type: Articles
Abstract / Description

After the military defeat of the Islamic State (IS) in Syria and Iraq, the challenge of dealing with foreign IS fighters emerged, with many of them being held in detention facilities under the jurisdiction of the Autonomous Administration in North and East Syria. Yet, indecisiveness and unwillingness of the anti-IS

Content Type: Books
Abstract / Description

Studies the making and unmaking of the Ottoman Empire’s Kurdish nobility Challenges a long-standing spatial-geographical bias in Ottoman-Middle East history by bringing Kurdish and Armenian histories back into the Ottoman imperial framework Presents the first study to use the framework of hereditary nobility to examine Kurdish elite formation and its

Content Type: Literatures
Abstract / Description

Arjen Arî yê ku di sala 2012an de hêj di 56 saliya xwe de ji ber nexweşiya penceşêrê koça dawî kir li dû xwe gelek berhemên hêja hiştin. Şairê nemir xwedî 9 dosyeyên helbestan e. Ev 9 dosye, Weşanxane û Çapxaneya Evrenselê ku di sala 2016an de bi biryarnameyeke di hukmê

Content Type: Articles
Abstract / Description

Kurdish studies was born as a field of study in imperial Russia, and for much of the twentieth century, the Soviet Union remained the centre of ‘Kurdology’. With the foundation of the International Society Kurdistan (ISK) in Amsterdam in 1960, however, this centre started to move westwards. Officially established as

Content Type: Journals
Abstract / Description

Hejmara hezîran, tîrmeh û tebaxê ya kovara “Folklora Me”yê çap bû. Di vê hejmarê da jî ji beşên cihê cihê yên folklorê nivîsên curbicur hene. Danasîna xurekan, xaçepirsa folklorê, gotar û keresteyên ji binbeşên cuda yên zargotina kurdî di binê sîwana vê hejmara da bi cih bûne. Berhevkar û amadekaran

Content Type: Journals
Abstract / Description

Hejmara adar, nîsan û gulanê ya kovara “Folklora Me”yê çap bû. Folklora Me di her hejmareka xwe da, cih dide xebatên berhevkarîyê û hêmanên dîtbarî. Di hejmara 11an ya kovarê da dîsa nivîsên ji beşên curbicur yên folklorê hene. Digel cureyên edebîyata gelêrî, bawerîyên gelêrî; nirxandina pirtûkekê û lîstikek jî

Content Type: Journals
Abstract / Description

Hejmara kanûna pêşîn, kanûna paşîn û sibatê ya kovara “Folklora Me”yê çap bû. Folklora Me di her hejmareka xwe da, cih dide xebatên berhevkarîyê û hêmanên dîtbarî. Di hejmara 10ê ya kovarê da dîsa nivîsên ji beşên curbicur yên folklorê hene. Xebroşka Mehpûs Serhedîyî ya Qerejdaxê, xebroşka Kurdjan Sorîyî ya