Kurdish Scholar

Kurdish Scholar

years: 2020

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Abstract / Review

The military conflict between the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and the Turkish Armed Forces has endured over the course of the past three decades. Since 1984, the conflict has claimed the lives of more than 45,000 civilians, militants, and soldiers, as well as causing thousands of casualties and disappearances. It

Abstract / Review

This dissertation responds to Syrian nationals’ stories of displacement and settlement. Within these accounts, people contend with forced migration through language, personal networks, and technology. A sociomaterial theory of literacy recognizes the way in which these interviewees sought safety and belonging while accessing concrete systems in order to achieve material

Abstract / Review

This thesis is a study of the different trajectories of Kurdish nationalism in the Middle East. In the late 2010s – years of momentous advance for Kurdish forces in Turkey, Iraq, and Syria – Kurdish politics was deeply divided into competing movements pursuing irreconcilable projects for the future of the

Abstract / Review

Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Turkey relentlessly persecuted any form of Kurdish dissent. This led to the radicalisation of an increasing number of Kurds, the rise of the Kurdish national movement and the PKK’s insurgency against Turkey. Political activism by the Kurds or around Kurdish-related political demands continues to be

Abstract / Review

Hejmara mehên kanûna pêşîn, kanûna paşîn û sibatê ya kovara “Folklora Me”yê li ber destê we ye. Folklora Me di her hejmareka xwe da, cih dide xebatên berhevkarîyê û hêmanên dîtbarî. Di vê hejmarê da jî gelek nivîsên derbarê folklora kurdan da cih girtine. Hin nivîsên ku di vê hejmarê

Abstract / Review

Hejmara mehên îlon, çirîya pêşîn, çirîya paşîn ya kovara “Folklora Me”yê li ber destê we ye. Di rûpelên “Folklora Me”yê da xebat û lêkolînên li ser folklora kurdî cih digirin, Di vê hejmarê da, nivîsên wekî “Ferhenga Tematik ya Hasil û Mitbexê (Bajarê Agiriyê), “Du Hikayet ji Herêma Garisanê”, “Hin Gotinên Pêşîyên

Abstract / Review

Hejmara mehên hezîran, tîrmeh û tebaxê ya kovara “Folklora Me”yê li ber destê we ye. Folklora Me ku ji nivîs û berhevokên li ser folklorê pêk dihê, cih dide nivîsên bi zaravayên kurmancî û kirmanckîyê. Di vê hejmarê da du heb jê bi kirmanckî, 21 heb bi kurmancî bi tevahî

Abstract / Review

Hejmara mehên adar, nîsan û gulanê ya kovara “Folklora Me”yê li ber destê we ye. “Folklora Me”yê di vê hejmarê da demsala biharê kirîye mijara xwe ya esasî; behsa giringîya demsala biharê û giringîya wê ji bo civaka kurdan dike. Di vê hejmarê da dîsa lêkolîn û nirxandinên derbarê folklora

Abstract / Review

Kurdish studies are generally defined and conducted according to a topic or geographic location, namely, within the Middle East. Research procedures used to handle different issues as well as develop concepts and hypotheses have become important, since most of the current theories lack practical approaches when conducting studies on the